Monday, September 29, 2014


Very Important:
The Proper Way to Break a Full Fast

You should not eat heavy meals at least 2 days before a long fast. Rather you should take MORE fruits and drink a lot of water.

When you break your fast, you should never break with solid food. You must break slowly. DO not take any cold water or drinks. Warm water is preferable. Eat fruits such as oranges, kiwi, pineapple, etc. for a while and drink a lot of water before attempting to eat any solid food.

When you have been on a long fast, you will need some days to slowly break. For instance, if you fasted for 7 days, you’ll need another 3 days to slowly break – meaning in the following 3 days you should be on a diet of fruits and water, before introducing any heavy food.
This is because the end of a long fast is the most delicate aspect of a fast. For those who did not conquer their appetite during the fast, there is a danger that they might overeat right after the fast, thereby causing severe problems for themselves.

In the event of that happening, quickly stop eating and begin another fast without food and water for at least 2 days and you should be alright.

Please NOTE that this is not a medical prescription. Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking any action that could affect your health. What I have just said here should NOT be taken as medical advice.

Now to the prayers… 
All the prayers should be prayed AT THE TIME PERIODS INDICATED. You should especially find time during the day to continue with the prayers.

If, however, because of your work schedule, you are not able to pray at the designated times, then you should pray VERY early in the morning before 6:00 AM.  No excuses.

If you do this diligently, you will surely experience the visitation of the LORD, the One who ordained this program.

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